This is a short drama film about a young black man named Rey’Shawn that grew up within the life of crime in West Oakland, California. Rey’Shawn’s mom worked as a prostitute to provide for her 2 children & she later died from HIV. Rey’Shawn’s older brother Demaray was a drug dealer that had to take care of Rey’Shawn after their mother died because their father was never in their life. Rey’Shawn followed his older brother’s foot steps because Demaray was the only male role model in his life. Rey’Shawn’s past will later haunt him as a young adult.
This is an independent film created & directed by Ron Reed.
This film was featured at the San Francisco Film Festival.
The director along with everybody involved in this film put alot of hard work & dedication to make this possible. Please click the thumbs up like button on this video & also subscribe to this youtube channel.
This film also features a small guest appearance from Bay Area rapper Lil Malice who plays the role as Rey’Shawn’s childhood drug dealer that supplies him with the product to distribute. Lil Malice also has a song titled “What’s Good” on the movie soundtrack & a snippet of the song was featured in the film.