The Denton Black Film Festival is the brainchild of Harry Eaddy, festival director, and is presented by the Denton African American Scholarship Foundation. In 2014, Harry Eaddy approached two staples of the Denton community – Cheylon Brown and Mesha George – with a unique idea to bring an event focused on Black cinema to the region. Together, the trio began dreaming up an event that would evolve into the festival thousands enjoy today. Not long after Eaddy and his fellow founding organizers began collaborating, the Denton African American Scholarship Foundation came onboard as the festival’s founding sponsor.
Today, DBFF exists to address under-representation in film and media by giving Black stories an audience and Black creatives a platform. Sharing culture and building community are the goals of DBFF. Proceeds from the annual festival fund scholarships for African-American students in Denton.