A short film on sexual harassment in the workplace.
Starring Candice Marie Bennett & Scott Widener
Written & Directed By Samantha Byam of ByamHouse Entertainment
Music Composer Jeffrey Monestime https://soundcloud.com/jeffmonestime
Reel Deal Digital
Website: https://www.reeldealdigital.com
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The RDD Podcast is available @
1. The RDD Website: https://www.reeldealdigital.com/therddpodcast
2. Apple Podcast: The RDD Podcast
3. Spotify: The RDD Podcast
Produced By Byam House Entertainment
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/byamhousentertainment/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/byamhouseent
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/byamhousentertainment/